During most weeks, Dr. Parise will be available for optional Lecture Review sessions where students will work problems on the board. All materials and solutions will be posted if you can’t make it at these times. Schedule on student hours page.
Lecture Reviews will follow a similar format to Discussion in that students will complete (or at least attempt) the LR problem set prior to each meeting. Students will put answers up on the board and we will discuss. Many of these problems are assigned already from the text, but some may be original problems or recast from old exams for extra practice.
Each LR will have a number that corresponds to that lecture (e.g., LR3 refers to material from Lecture 3). These LRs will be posted to the Files section of Canvas. A key will be posted after each session.
This semester, I will be available in FFSC 1213 from 9:45-10:45 most Tuesdays and Thursdays. Check the Student Hours page for any updates to the schedule.
Organic Chemistry II | Chem 202D Syllabus Spring 25 | Jim Parise | Duke University