Free access: I have put a bunch of copies of the SGSM (and the Text) on reserve in the Library.
Free access: The SGSM is also available in various rooms in French Science Center, where the TAs and I hold student hours: Rooms 1213, 1218, and 1243 FFSC. so that all may access them.
<aside> 🙏 Please leave these books in the rooms so that anyone may benefit.
Duke has a number of assistance options available at
Used, cheaper physical copies are available through the bookstore or online sources.
The instructor may have additional copies available to those in financial need. Please let me know.
It can also be purchased from the publisher (click “Study Extras” tab and choose Study Guide and Solutions Manual)
Organic Chemistry II | Chem 202D Syllabus Spring 25 | Jim Parise | Duke University